Before we start discussing the Ayurveda treatment for diabetes, let’s take a look at what diabetes means in Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, diabetes is connected with and referred to as a urinary abnormality. All-in-all, there are twenty types of diabetes concerns. Out of those twenty, the most common type of diabetes is Diabetes mellitus.
The incidence of diabetes mellitus (commonly referred to as just diabetes) is increasing day by day around the globe. Modern western diet and lifestyle is challenging our bodies’ abilities to cope. Excess sugar and low nutrient foods, low levels of physical activity, and highly stressful ways of living are causing diabetes.
Do you know many people ignore the initial signs and symptoms of Diabetes and ultimately it gets converted into full-blown diabetes?
This initial condition is also known as the “Prediabetic condition” is a crucial stage, if taken care of at the right time can prevent the onset of diabetes type-2.